1. ELA Content Standards for CA schools K-12 (1997) 2. Reading LA Framework for CA public schools K-12 (1999) 3. Research-Based Recommendations for Instruction and Academic Interventions, Center on Instruction (2006) 4. Whole Language Lives On: The illusion of "balanced" reading instruction, Fordham Foundation (2000) 5. How Spelling Supports Reading by Louisa C. Moats, American Educator (Win 2005/2006) 6. Romance and Reality by Keith E. Stanovich, The Reading Teacher, (1993/1994)
Other resources Marion mentioned:
1. The role of instruction in learning to read: preventing reading failure in at-risk children, Journal of educational psychology, 1998, 90(1). (Author: David Francis, et al.) Available electronically.
2. Sally E. Shaywitz. Her work is on phonological awareness, early literacy development and dyslexia
3. Marilyn Adams. Her work discusses "balanced literacy."
4. Prop 227: English Language in Public Schools http://primary98.ss.ca.gov/VoterGuide/Propositions/227text.htm